whats with the sudden fascination with meril bainbridge????
ya so today, i ate at cheesecake, saw Cat in the hat (Grade: B), got in a minor car accident (i wasnt driving), and thats about it.
Dude i wouldnt sleep in an ice hotel, would you??
Just broadcasting my life to the world...and then some. BTW this is a no spelling zone.
whats with the sudden fascination with meril bainbridge????
So i begin
Happy Thanksgiving
its been so cold outside these past few days that it makes it practically impossible to want to go outside and get to class...
I cut my finger...With my knife... :-(
...and the most beautiful song ever...
The WheelChair Incident: Magic foot
Make no mistake my friends, USC WON.
ok lets recap:
Its soo windy.....soo windy....
Went to EDGE last night, definately not as exciting as it should have been....and i didnt even win the raffle!
In response to the tagboard.
Peek Peek Heaven
Have any of you ever wanted to sneeze during a dentist appointment?
last night i wen to bed at 4 and slept till 7.
LOL, so i went to take this dreaded midterm, and as i read the header of the Midterm....well let me type it out fro you, you'll understand.
me and the word midterm do not get along, at all. ESPECIALLY when the word midterm comes between me and my sleep. Oh how i hate midterms, HATE.
Laura made me Brownies yesterday for my birthday (though it was pre birthday). they were wonderful. Thank you Laura, you are awesome.
hm, does anyone know where there are good on-line games, besides shockwave.com and yahoo.
stupid employee...
Me and pamela have played ace of base - hey darling like non stop for the last day/night.
So after class today i went to the IMC meeting. It ha sgreat potential but needs someone to take control of it...say leo and me.
yeah so my day wasnt too shabby, i went to class, took a nap during my break etc
and jenny, there is absolutely no need to have different words for then and than, its a waste of brainpower! If enough ppl start just using then we can take over the world and delete than and be done with it.
I was requested to put up the birthday list again...so here it is.
*yawn* I'm so tired. I'm wondering why they haven't posted the new studio diaries for garbage...Did they take a few weeks off again without telling us? I want to take a few weeks off. Hey lets all take a few weeks off, you know go to Fiji, have fun. MAN I'm hungry, I wonder what lunch should be today....... Cheese? Yeah cheese.
dude i dont think anyone is home, me and pamela are alone, shes playing enrique on her computer. we're looking at his arms. eh not much to see..
Today's away message
I'm in lab, and a guy just sat down next to me and he has a "UCLA SPIRIT!" bag.....
what the hell color is your heart?
whats my element
1. i want a-ha's "minor earth" album
"Summer moved on