Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Happy New Year!

"So I'm just kicking it
I'm counting the days
I hardly can wait
For us to hang out
I'm really missing it
In so many ways
I anticipate us making out"

alright kids its the 31st, you know LAST day of 2003! it seems its also a day for no doubt lyrics posting...

"In the morning I wake up
And in the night I sleep
Since the day that I was born
Repeat, repeat, repeat"

does that sound like your 2003? i'm sure it does....

resolutions anyone?

AHAH and check this out video game music/sound is finally gaining recognition!

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

And they are telling me this because it was vital information??
either way its fun to know that so many ppl order pizzza using the name paris hilton, and so many ppl love pepperoni.

so in my free time when i am not playing warcraft or out galavanting i have been playing the Snood video game that pamela got me for christmas. Tanya and me have kind of been competeing for the highest level i got to level 19! BEAT THAT TANYA!!! (shes gotten to level 14 i think).

Ah a question for the USCers, when are you guys getting back to USC?

oh and heehee WHITE BUTTS LOL

Monday, December 29, 2003

Just got back from Las Vegas, ok just as in 4 hours ago....
IT WAS FREEZING COLD THERE! high = 45. low = 28. There was snow next to the freeway...
I had a good time, saw jerry seinfield...

what have you been up too?

oh and i just got an e-mail from Leah, from the alst cruise i was on, good to hear from her...

and Hello to shir in denmark!

Friday, December 26, 2003

Did i mention its damn cold outside?
ya i didnt think so

Who are your Celebrity Parents? by opp_girl_4_tp
Your Name
Your MomJulia Roberts
Your DadPaul Walker
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Stolen from Lar's blog

You are Drama.
You are extroverted and like to show off, but can
be very subtle and intelligent when you want.
As an expert at story-telling, you love
attention and have developed the skill of
keeping it.
You get along well with Literature and Film.

What form of art are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

"I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."
~Albert Einstein

oh but my favorite?

"I am not argueing with you - I am telling you"
~James Whistler

Today, chirstmas eve dinner. MMMMMM food is good.

Yesterday for the first time i actually enjoyed eating sushi and considered it a real meal. Thanks.


Tuesday, December 23, 2003

went to USC basketball game with Leo. Watched him cheer, while we lost....

it was a good night though :-)

Monday, December 22, 2003

So i woke up today really sore from tubing...LOL...

i spent most of the day playing warcraft, dont snicker at me, i cant help that i'm addicted.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

WickyVixen: <---buzzed...doesnt really know her head from her ass
MoNTaN85: i want to be buzzed
WickyVixen: i'm on the fall
WickyVixen: fall? fuck...what do i mean

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Went to big bear for the day. Ara and me drove up and we met up with leo there. we went tubing with leo's roommie serge, and then later 3 more ppl showed up. we had an awesome time.
Thanks Ara for doing the driving.

what did i learn today?
-surfing down a slope on an innertube it hard.
-ara will fall on the slope more than the rest of us.
-no matter how hard you try to burn some bridges, they'll rebuild.

this girl that went to my HS was hitting on leo....i dont care about the hitting on, but why do i keep running into these HS idiots?

Friday, December 19, 2003

Pamela and I discussing our art/toilet paper closet

fkedupmonkey: dudeee
fkedupmonkey: i reorganized the closet.
MoNTaN85: dude>
MoNTaN85: mine too?
MoNTaN85: or the art closet?
MoNTaN85: i had my part organized!
MoNTaN85: lol
fkedupmonkey: i realized that the thing that i thought was supposed to go in the bathroom actually goes in that closet, and its already setup, i just had to stick it on my art stuff is there now.
fkedupmonkey: its very pretty. im pleased with myself.
fkedupmonkey: no i didnt touch your part.
fkedupmonkey: the toilet paper does take away from my toys/arts theme.
MoNTaN85: toilet paper is an art
MoNTaN85: you can even eat it i hear
fkedupmonkey: babe, only quilted bounty toilet paper is an art. the rest is Shit.
MoNTaN85: but quilted bounty is used to clean up shit anyway
MoNTaN85: so essentially it too is shit
fkedupmonkey: nope. ive got a roll thats not. its enshrined.
fkedupmonkey: its Art.
fkedupmonkey: and the rest is Shit.
MoNTaN85: its all artsy shit
fkedupmonkey: a logical conclusion.
MoNTaN85: and logical i am!

ok wednesday, took last final, took nap, saw LOTR 3, went to shirs party had an awesome time, came home slept.

thursday, woke up @ 8, packed, moved home @ 11, got home, picked up tanya, had lunch, went and got my hari cut/lighted, came home, Leo came by for gift exchange. Ended up going out with leo and his friends. Saw LOTR 3 again, went to Leo's cousins house played videogames, met more friends, ate pizza, drove Leo's car, came home.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003


3 semesters down, 5 to go.

its 6 am, and im still studying.....

i hate finals, but it'll all be over soon....

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

In the end its just going to have to make sense that I am just my own person, with my own set of thoughts, ideals, goals, and (of course) fears. Whether i am younger or older, funnier or lamer, faster, slower, smarter, or dumber......I am justttttt monica.....
and thats all theres to it ladies and gentlemen......thats ALL.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

i just tore my favorite jeans. i am very sad.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

ok so i switched radio stations, and now its greenday playing one of Leo's fav songs, i think live....and i'd call him and tell him to tune in to KROQ, but i think hes out with friends...

brain stew lyrics by greenday
i'm having trouble trying to sleep
i'm counting sheep but running out
as time ticks by
but still i try
no rest for cross stops in my mind
on my own here we go

my eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
dried up and bulging out my skull
my mouth is dry
my face is numb
fucked up and spun out in my room
on my own here we go

my mind is set on overdrive
the clock is laughing in my face
crooked spine
my senses dulled
passed the point of delirium
on my own here we go

my eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
dried up and bulging out my skull
my mouth is dry
my face is numb
fucked up and spun out in my room
on my own here we go

i'm surfing radio stations, and one channel has a beatled MEGAMIX playing...LOLOLOL i didnt know such a thing existed, but i should've realized that it was very possible, now i have "do you want to know a secret" stuck in my head,

Do you want to know a secret
Do you promise not to tell, whoa oh, oh

Let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear
I'm in love with you"

what going on y0??

so most ppl are done with finals, they are happy and peppy...
i am done with FOUR finals, i have one left, and the hardest one is left....nooo i dont want to take it.....stupid math. STUPID MATH.

So i want to go to big bear next weekend, but there are technical difficulties and its pissing me off. Aside from that the world is nice. I still have some xmas shopping left to do, but then again, shopping is fun.

Lets see what else, friday night television is WONDERFUL and I LOVE IT and i wish our TV at the apartment worked right so i could watch TV there......and on this note i am going to go downstairs and watch some TV....buahahahaaa

moral of the story?
finals suck, TV doesnt.

Friday, December 12, 2003

Some Christmas Cheer



Thursday, December 11, 2003

LOL, my fav part are the helpful hints...

shouldn't the hints be like "dont cheat on your wife"?

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Another Lame Quiz


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hehehehee, smack.

am i the only one that has seen a verion of this same video where the penguin uses its leg to trip the other one?

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


Updated List

-a fake ID
-cheesecake, dinner at cheesecake factory
-any of the imported Sash CD's (yes an original copy, not a bootleg)
-an original copy of the Garbage version 2.0 CD
-a tv tuner card (so i can hook cable up to my computer at home)
-a 128mb card for my sony camera (memory stick)
-one of those USB memory things, cuz that way i you dont need floppys!! (i havent decided on the size yet)
-original copies of all the garbage singles (b-sides)
-original copy of the sneaker pimps CD (not becoming X, the other album)
-original copy of the newest matchbox 20 album
-original copy of A-ha Minor earth album
-videogames for my gameboy advance
-a tetris videogame for my gameboy advance (i think its tetris worlds)
-"namco musuem" for my gameboy advanced (it has dig-dug and ms pac man and pole position etc)
-something original and fun you'd like to get me so i can procrastinate MORE. but not the page-a-day illusions calendar, i already took the liberty of getting that for my self.
-home baked cookies.
-a good cup of coffe, or to go out to coffee, i haven't done that in forever and 8 minutes.
-smirnoff ice/black (this is on the bottom of the list for a reason)

Since finals are a little vital to oru existence, I think everyone should read this

2 study sessions and a minor dilemma...i think i held it together really well.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Here we goo-oo-ooooo
okay, so i bombed in comp sci assignment because i'm sick, unmotivated, and xwin doesnt work at home.

whats next on the list? ohh applications, essays, work, finals.......

life is beautiful aint it?
i hate the word aint....really i do...

my desktop has a virus, so im surfing from my laptop, which works well because this way im in bed like a sick person should be and i can surf the internet!!!

anyway....i hope you guys are doing well

oohhh i almost 4got? what do you want for xmas??

these ppl ive already shopped for so i dont care what you want:
Pamela, Laura, Schenk, Juhi

the rest of you im debating what i should get...hints?

very tired, very sick, and very in bed.

ok so i've been hit by a cold. it sucks. it makes me sneeze and cough and you know whatever else you do when you have a cold.

Also i'm under a lot of pressure to get a lot fo work done. It is NOT doing wonders for my shoulder
today was the oregon vs USC game, and the frat boys downstairs are throwing major party.

I am sitting in my room programming, i dont think it will ever end, ever.

and what about this story. Really i thought it was funny....

Friday, December 05, 2003

The world is not your boxing ring....

and on that note lets read about the woman who thought it WAS her boxing ring

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Raise your hand if you hate the last week of school and/or finals

I sure as hell do....
so tired.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

w00t w00t

ok No Doubt - Its My Life

WONDERFUL SONG. maybe they are getting abck to that tragic kingdom wonderfulness??

MoNTaN85: so good
MoNTaN85: i could get high off of this song right now

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

The Xmas List
-a fake ID
-cheesecake, dinner at cheesecake factory
-any of the imported Sash CD's (yes an original copy, not a bootleg)
-an original copy of the Garbage version 2.0 CD
-original copies of all the garbage singles (b-sides)
-original copy of the sneaker pimps CD (not becoming X, the other album)
-original copy of the newest matchbox 20 album
-original copy of A-ha Minor earth album
-videogames for my gameboy advance
-something original and fun you'd like to get me so i can procrastinate MORE. but not the page-a-day illusions calendar, i already took the liberty of getting that for my self.
-home baked cookies.
-a good cup of coffe, or to go out to coffee, i haven't done that in forever and 8 minutes.
-smirnoff ice/black (this is on the bottom of the list for a reason)

Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::garbage
Are you female or male::breaking up the girl
Describe yourself::soldier through this
How do some people feel about you::untouchable
How do you feel about yourself::tornado
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::dumb
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::you look so fine
Describe where you want to be::april tenth
Describe what you want to be::so like a rose
Describe how you live::the world is not enough
Describe how you love::enough is never enough
Share a few words of wisdom::the trick is to keep breathing

Bands // Song Titles brought to you by BZOINK!

Monday, December 01, 2003

my watch died today. you all know i practically live off of my watch, i feel so....lost...

Thats orlando bloom??