Peek Peek Heaven
WickyVixen: i wanted to take their name badges...flip them over..expose the pin...and "peek peek" them....armenian kindergartner style....and tear their eyes out
WickyVixen: did u ever "peek peek"?
MoNTaN85: yes i did
MoNTaN85: hahaha
WickyVixen: omg wasnt it the bessssssssssstttt???
MoNTaN85: it brought back strange memories
WickyVixen: if they made us peek peek now...i'd be so stressless....
MoNTaN85: lol peek peek their little eharts out
WickyVixen: lol
MoNTaN85: hahah stressless
WickyVixen: why did the teachers call it that?
WickyVixen: yessssssss.. i mean
MoNTaN85: dude, did all armenian teachers call ti peek peek?
MoNTaN85: its so odd
WickyVixen: if life were only about peek peeking
WickyVixen: we'd all be very happy people
MoNTaN85: you would be a peek peek god?
WickyVixen: i would be eat, drink, crap, peek peek, sleep....that would be life
MoNTaN85: we're on the same wavelength here, im just a few cycles behind.
WickyVixen: hahahahah
WickyVixen: like if we were a cat
WickyVixen: in a nice home
MoNTaN85: can you peek peek while you crap?
WickyVixen: how (*#@(*#@)(#82 awesome would that be
WickyVixen: ooooooo yes u can
WickyVixen: but like
MoNTaN85: *sigh* yes
WickyVixen: u need a hard surface
WickyVixen: and....u can try to use ur knees
WickyVixen: but it might be difficult
MoNTaN85: ouch
WickyVixen: lol
WickyVixen: peek bleed peek bleed
MoNTaN85: we could mass market portable peek peek boards
WickyVixen: OMG
WickyVixen: and make like...funky colored boards
MoNTaN85: it would be like light bright, but not.
WickyVixen: "personalize your peek peek board"
MoNTaN85: buahahaha
WickyVixen: peek peek competitions
WickyVixen: ohhhhhhhhhhh the joyyy
MoNTaN85: peek peek retreats
MoNTaN85: and conferences
WickyVixen: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! peek peek benefit concerts
MoNTaN85: peek peek clothing lines
WickyVixen: with holes
WickyVixen: and a portable peek peek
MoNTaN85: peek peek universities
WickyVixen: LOL
MoNTaN85: peek peek kits
WickyVixen: OMG the teachers peek peek ur grades
WickyVixen: LOL
MoNTaN85: and a peek peek amusement park
WickyVixen: hellll yessssssssssssss
MoNTaN85: ...peek peek heaven....
WickyVixen: but first....we have to invest in a book that explains all the cool ways of peek peeking..that's the first step
MoNTaN85: and the history of it
WickyVixen: unleash our knowledge
WickyVixen: yes
WickyVixen: YESSSS
MoNTaN85: armenian kindergarten teachers and their influence on peek peek history
WickyVixen: is it only an armo tradition?
WickyVixen: i wonder..
MoNTaN85: we'll make it armo
MoNTaN85: we'll ignore the hryas even if they do do it
MoNTaN85: armo pride lol
WickyVixen: they can't be a part of our peek peek kingdom....
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