In a real estate economics book:
"Timeshares are NOT to be regarded as sound investments"
How many times do we have to explain this to you people?
Just broadcasting my life to the world...and then some. BTW this is a no spelling zone.
In a real estate economics book:
Today is April 24, 2006. 91 years since the Armenian Genocide, when the Turkish government tried to do away with the Armenian race.
Reducing Traffic and Increasing Gas Efficiency
Hate me
Ten Thoughts to Ponder for 2006
When Dan found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So one evening he went to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Anyone applying to law school should check out
I think I forgot to mention this but a few weeks ago I saw Patrick Dempsey on his cell while I was visiting the studio lot for lunch. Yeah Mcdreamy from Grey's Anatomy. He must have been inbetween takes or on a short break. He was in costume outside one of the sound stages.
OK, so I am having a problem understanding how over the last 20 years computers became insanely popular...the internet...and all those other awesome technological advancements have come along BUT