Sunday, August 17, 2003

While Recovering from the cruise. I sat and watched TV all day.

This is probably the only leisure day i'm going to have for a LONG time.
I'm starting to move, and we all know that's a disaster...On the 25th my semester starts and based on how many classes im taking, things look hectic. Wish me luck.

Man those eastcoast blackouts must have been wonderful for those who like the "candle light" mood thing....but all the poor computer geeks, I'm sorry.

Ohh, i just remembered. I've promised a few people that there would be pictures coming up on the site, or at elast some links to pictures. Yeah this might take a little longer than expected. I havent figured out how i want to do this, but the best way would be to get a hosting service etc, and for that i would need an income. Until then, you'll just have to make requests and i can send you the pictures you want.
Aside from that i also realized that this site is getting real messy. I'm going to figure out some way you can click to certain dates. that way you can go "hmm i wonder what monica did on the 5th". Also maybe organize some of these posts by topic...Yes all coming sometime in the future. We hope.


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