Friday, January 16, 2004

Theres people in life who always put themselves out there on a limb, and they like it, they want to know what happens, they don't mine jeopardizing themselves...

I am NOT one of those people. Its hard for me to put myself out there, and when I do I shake and shiver and get very scared, but sometimes I do it anyway, when I think its a worthy cause (or a worthy person in this case) I do it, and cross my fingers hoping not to go crashing down. There have been cases where ive gone crashing down, and been miserable, but I lived. On better occasions my putting myself out there was just unnoticed and I just crawled back without a change. On wonderful occasions I went out there and was rewarded for it. These are the best, it feels so worth doing it almost makes those falls go unnoticed.

today I seem to think putting myself out there was worth it. I hope things stay this way. I don't mind being "exposed", not to this person at least.


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