Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tiny Movers
Today the delivery men came to bring us our new large TV. As I pulled out of the driveway on my way to work I passed the men, ready to lift and carry this TV up 3 flights of stairs...
As soon as I saw them I thought "dear...I hope they are just spotters because they aren't doing any heavy lifting".
The 2 men were small built short and skinny.
After a long period of time...and tough struggles with our 300lb "monster" they were able to finally move it in.

Now my question is, how did they get hired to move TV's?
Was there no interview process?
Did the interviewer just say "well they are small now but i'm sure they will grow?"

All i can say is we should have videotaped the process. Would have made for a good joke you fwd to all your coworkers....


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Jany Keochkerian said...

Nice to meet you, Monica. I've come accross your website. Einstein's quote reminds me of the following one, by Gaston Bachelard,
"Il n'y a pas de vérité première, il n'y a que des erreurs premières".
(No primary truth, nothing but primary mistakes)
Didn't know where to post, so dropped here.


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