Friday, July 25, 2003

Blog My Butt
the title on the main blog page said "Blog This!" and i couldn't resist.

A lots going through my head....
nothing scary or bad or anything, just my minds busy.
but the question is. do i post personal stories or not? hmmm
should i stick to half and half? you know half personal half fluff?
oh the physics of a blog.

Do i trust myself enoguh to leave parts of my life IN WRITING? haha
I've always had this phobia of writing things down about my life...because chances are i wont want to hear about it later (wont want?).
I generally like to live it and move on. If i remember it in my head, great, if not then i shouldnt have remembered it anyway.
Am i the only one that follows this logic?

Tune in tomorrow, same time, same find out...
-Will Calculus kill Monica?
-Will monica kill calculus?
-how many miles can Monica get on a tank of gas?
-Can she handle whats in store for her?
-What is in store for her?
-could the unfeeling on be *gasp* feeling?
-Can she learn to bend a spoon....



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