Monday, June 16, 2003

sunday was my HS graduation. had to be there at 1. got ready, went. it wasnt too bad except it was long and they made us wait in the sun be4 we could go in and i felt like i was getting married to my diploma jacket. I mean the man said "By the power vested in me i now pronounce you graduates...." I'm telling you its an evil scheme to marry me to some academic aspect of my life.

The people were nicer to me then usual. Most said hi, some talked to me, lori gave me a cross from the homeland (armenia). Angela gave everyone graduation toothbrushes...hehe. The ceremony went ok, the principal anounced why iwas there and how wonderful i was that was nice. We all know i would have been valdictorian if i had stayed....BUAHAHAAAA.

Today was the last 2 hours of my 6 hours of driving lessons. It went well except when i hit that curb but shhh we'll just ignore that, RIGHT? right. After those 2 hours i went to teh studios to have lunch with my aunt, then i drove home and then i sat around doing not much else. All in all it was a nice day.

oh funny story or moment or whatever. So i'm sitting on the couch a few minutes ago watching TV with my mom and she keeps asking me to put it on channel 7 and i keep ignoring her cuz it was something stupid. She keeps asking and a some point she says change the channel and i look at her and i say what channel do you want?
She Holds up her right hand making an L (like the L you would make to put on some1's forehead and say LOSER, with the thumb and index finger). I say "channel L?"
she says "NO, thats a 7, channel 7". me: "Mom thats an L" her: "no its a 7, flip it over, its a 7." me: "so why didnt you flip it over or just say 7?" her: "that would take too much energy"

and then they wonder where i got my lazy gene.


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